Contacting each of us

Because we are the only lucky ones who have been selected as part of the District to experience the 2011 Jamboree, we hope to be able to promote the idea that Scouting is a big deal. Scouting is recognised all over the world, so we want to be able to show this view-point to the other sections, such as the Beaver and Cub Scouts.

The four of us would happily visit a group to explain what it is all about. The whole point of this experience, is to be able to bring it all back, and to share our experience to others back at home.

If any section/unit would like to contact us, regarding this, then our details are below.
Telephone Number: 01524 733350
Email: [email protected]
Explorer Unit: Silverdale/Warton "Silverdaliens"
Young Leaders for the Warton Cubs
Telephone Number: 01524 734903
Email: [email protected]
Explorer Unit: Silverdale/Warton "Silverdaliens"
Young Leaders for Warton Scouts
Telephone Number: 01524 702606
[email protected]
Explorer Unit: Silverdale/Warton "Silverdaliens"
Young Leaders for Silverdale Cubs
Telephone Number: 01524 66341
Email: [email protected]

Explorer Unit: Lune Valley ESU 
Young Leader for 13th Lancaster Beavers, 16th Lancaster Scouts